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One Of Hawaii's Top Auto Accident



Worked for U.S. Air Force JAG

Millions obtained for our Clients' Car Accident Injuries

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Should I Hire A Hawaii Injury Lawyer Now Or Should I Wait And See If I Can Handle It On My Own?

We’re often asked by potential clients if they should hire us now or if they should wait and see if they can handle their insurance claim on their own.  Here’s the short answer:  Hire a lawyer as soon as possible.  The sooner you hire a Hawaii car accident attorney, the sooner they can begin to protect your rights.  The longer you delay hiring a lawyer, the greater the chance of doing something wrong that will mess up your case.


If we begin working on a case right after the accident, we can ensure that everything goes smoothly and that you don’t do anything that could either ruin your case or significantly reduce the settlement amount you’ll receive.  Many people are surprised that although we were willing to take their case right after the accident, we cannot take it if they wait too long to hire us.  We would much rather take a case where we know everything is being done right than to take a case knowing that we will have to clean up many mistakes the client made by waiting to call us.  


Hawaii accident injury laws are very complicated. Don’t let the insurance adjusters fool you into thinking that you don’t need a lawyer and that they will “take care of you.”  They will do everything they can to reduce the amount that you’re entitled to.  Hawaii car accident lawyer is so complicated that many years ago, we stopped doing medical malpractice, assaults, dog bites, workers’ compensation, etc., to focus solely on car accident cases and some slip and fall cases in stores.


You may think that you’re an intelligent person and can figure out what you need to do when you’ve been injured in an accident in Hawaii.  We don’t doubt that you’re smart; however, the fact is that there is a lot to know when it comes to dealing with car insurance companies.  The problem is that people don’t even know what they don’t know when it comes to making an injury claim in Hawaii.  I’ve been practicing accident injury law in Hawaii for many years. Still, if I were injured in another state, even I would hire a local injury lawyer who is an expert in local accident injury laws.  


Some of the most important decisions you’ll make regarding your accident case will happen during the first few days after the accident.  The first big decision you should make is whether to hire a lawyer or not.  The answer to this question is simple:  if an injury lawyer takes your case, you should hire one.  Many people aren’t sure whether their case is severe enough to involve attorneys. The quickest way to find the answer to this question is to call some lawyers.  Any injury lawyer who has been in business for over a few years should know whether a case is worth pursuing.  Most injury lawyers offer free consultations.  So you have nothing to lose by calling around to a few lawyers to see whether you have a good case or not.  


The next big decision to make involves whether you should communicate with the insurance adjusters or not.  If you’re going to hire a lawyer, you should not contact the insurance companies.  You should have your lawyer contact them.  If you aren’t hiring a lawyer, you must communicate with the insurance companies.   Just be sure to be on your toes when you do.  Never forget that they’re the enemy.  They will make you think they’re on your side and ready to pay you everything you’re entitled, but don’t be fooled.  Insurance companies are in business to make a profit.  They are not in business out of the kindness of their hearts.


Another big decision during the first few days will be what treatment you should receive.  All auto insurance policies in Hawaii have $10,000 in medical benefits, so you do not need to worry about medical bills.  If you need to call an ambulance, then you should do so.  They are usually about $900 to $1200, so you will still have plenty of medical benefits for other treatments.  If you need to go to the emergency room, go for it.  Just keep in mind that ER bills can add up quickly.  Walking into an ER will start at $2,000 to $3,000, and then it just goes up depending on what diagnostic tests you do and whether you’re admitted to the hospital.  If you don’t do a lot of tests in the ER, then you should still have about $5,000 left to get follow-up treatment, such as seeing an orthopedic doctor and getting physical therapy, massage therapy, chiropractic treatment, and acupuncture treatment.  


Whether you decide to hire our Honolulu car accident law firm or someone else, please do so as soon as possible.  


Why Do I Need An Injury Lawyer?


When you have been injured in an accident in Hawaii, you may ask yourself: “why do I need an injury lawyer?” This is a good question. You may wonder whether you can do the Hawaii insurance claim independently without help.


You may wonder if hiring a Hawaii injury lawyer will be so expensive that you are better off trying to do it on your own. You may feel overwhelmed and feel like it’s not even worth the stress to pursue a claim. Again, these are all good and fair questions when you have been in a car accident in Hawaii.


​First of all, people who are injured in car accidents in Honolulu should know that the process for claiming your injuries can be very complicated and confusing. Unfortunately, the Hawaii insurance companies like it that way.


The more confusing and complicated it is to make a claim, the more likely people will give up. But, this is not right. If you have been injured on Oahu due to someone else’s negligence, you deserve to be compensated for your injuries. You deserve money for your lost wages, pain, suffering, and other out-of-pocket expenses.


The only sure way to make sure you get the money you deserve is to hire a Honolulu injury lawyer who is experienced and knowledgeable in Hawaii's auto accident injury claims. This is the only sure way you will know that your case will be handled properly so that you receive maximum compensation for your injuries.


More often than not, even after paying the attorney fees, you will receive much more money for your injuries than you would have received if you hadn’t hired an attorney. Plus, a significant benefit of having an attorney is that you do not have to worry and stress over everything.


You will know that your Hawaii personal injury attorney is caring for everything. All you will have to worry about is getting the treatment that you need to recover from your injuries.


Should I Go To Court In Hawaii?


As Hawaii Personal Injury Lawyers, we are often asked by people if they should take their injury case to court. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t always a simple one. When considering whether to take your case to the Hawaii court, you must consider many factors such as the potential costs, the damages involved, and the time and stress involved.


Many people do not realize how expensive it is to court in Hawaii. There are filing fees, service fees, deposition expenses, expert fees, and many other expenses. In light of the costs involved in going to court, you must consider the value of your injuries. The higher the value of your injuries, the more it makes sense to go to court. The lower the value of your injuries, the less sense it makes to go to court and incur many expenses.


Also, many people do not understand how stressful and time-consuming it is to go to court in Hawaii. One of the first things that Hawaii defense attorneys must do is take your deposition. This is their opportunity to ask you many questions about yourself, the accident, and your injuries. Depositions vary in time, but they usually take at least half a day, sometimes a day or more.


Nearly all injury cases in Hawaii must go through the Hawaii Court Annexed Arbitration Program before proceeding to a trial. This Hawaii CAAP program also takes about a day of your time for both sides of the case to present their arguments and testimony to an Arbitrator.


These are just a few factors to consider when deciding whether to proceed with litigation in Honolulu, Hawaii.​

Please call us today for a free consultation. We do not charge any attorney fees until you receive money for your injuries. The Law Offices of David W. Barlow are experienced Hawaii injury lawyers who will make sure that you receive the money you deserve for your injuries.




Honolulu Office

1003 Bishop St., Ste. 2700, #522

Honolulu, HI 96813













Big Island Office

75-5737 Kuakini Hwy, Suite 202 Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

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